Bastogne guided tours 

Battle of the Bulge - Battle of the ArdennesArdennenschlacht (Wacht am Rhein - Herbstnebel - Christrose .....)Winter 1944 - 1945 December 16, 1944 - January 25, 1945




Roby Clam

+32 460 950 544




Half day tours 


ONLY private tours in English - French - German and Luxembourgish


09:00 until 13:00



START and END of the tour - BASTOGNE  or immediate surrounding


Booking : ONLY by mail to




***** Much has been written about the 101st Airborne Division’s heroic defense of Bastogne.

However, another unit gets little attention from historians: Colonel Hurley E. Fuller’s 110th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division­, originally the Pennsylvania National Guard.

Without their brave stand at the onset of the German offensive, the 101st Airborne might not have reached Bastogne in time. *****


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it


City of Bastogne Web page click below